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A Sacred Place To Go For Your Soul

Writer's picture: Beverley BedfordBeverley Bedford

Written by Beverley Bedford

As Christians we have a great capacity to connect with God; it is the essence of who we are.

God created us with a longing for union and communion with him.  To walk with Christ is a lifetime committement to grow in a deepening relationship with him.  The path to success is found in spiritual disciplines, those time-tested practices of prayer, bible study, worship, serving, staying in fellowship and accountability with others.

Have a place to GO - where you can pursue his presence

A regular quiet time with the Lord is integral to walking with God.

David wrote ‘the one thing I ask of the Lord - the thing I seek most - is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple.  For he will conceal me there when troubles come, he will hide me in his sanctuary.  He will place me out of reach on a high rock.  Then I will hold my head high above my enemies who surround me.. My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me” (Psalm 27 v 4-6,8 NLT).  

When David wrote those words, there was no temple or ‘house of the Lord’.  So, what did he mean?  That God is as close to you as a prayer; that you can seek the Lord, delight in the Lord, meditate on the Lord, and talk with the Lord anywhere and anytime.  The words ‘you’re my place of quiet retreat’ means you can withdraw from people, pressure, and problems and draw fresh strength from the Lord by communing with Him in your heart and mind.  What an invitation from the Lord Stop doing and sit at My feet. It’s everything you have longed for and everything you need.  If you have been remiss, negligent, or inconsistent in this, re-establish your quiet time with the Lord and refuse to let anything keep you from it.

Have a posture to GROW - practise makes progress

The ultimate growth manual is the Bible.  God has given us an endless vault of truth to learn about him, through the reading of the scriptures we understand God’s character and hear his voice.  To grow spiritual doesn’t happen by osmosis; it demands intentionality and practice makes progress. Athletes train. Actors rehearse. Musicians practice.  God has provided every believer the means of grace to deepen our intimacy with God, but we must do our part. To posture yourself to walk on the pavement of the pages of Scripture is like pioneering for gold, the search is as good as the rewards.  So read it, meditate on it, apply its principles to your life. 

The bible is a kaleidoscope, a diamond with many facets every time you turn a page another beautiful truth is revealed.  I recommend you journal what God says every day and highlight every promise he makes.  Read slowly and ask the Holy Spirit to inspire you, open your understanding that your eyes will become ears to hear God speak.

Have a priority to SHOW - sit with the Lord daily

It is important that we prioritise and protect the time we spend with God.  Seek it first, give God the first fruits of the day, honour him with your time.  Show God your faithful heart in showing up to sit with him every day.  People who have the hardest time sitting at the Lord’s feet are often in ministry.  Like Martha, they excel when it comes to serving.  The danger is that by doing lots of things for the Lord, we feel like that excuses us from sitting at His feet and spending time with Him as Mary did. In showing up you will get to dwell in his presence, listen to his voice, look at his beautiful face, taste and see his goodness, let his face shine on you and through you to others.  It takes real commitment to spend time with God, it doesn’t easily fit into our fast moving world and the demands of ministry, but it will give you the rhythms of grace that will give you longevity to finish the race.



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