The Cost of Inaction is very high!!! Think about all those times you had an opportunity to do something or ACT but gave excuses! What price have you had to pay for not acting.
I have slowly and patiently observed that the universe responds to those who roll up their sleeves and jump in.

Working in the IT sector for 15 years particularly in banking & telecom industry taught me early in life that solutions lean towards a strong bias to action. Why? In these spaces, work is always fast-changing, unpredictable &seemingly offering boundless opportunities every second. This means that every minute taken with out action becomes a high price to the organisation. Think about all these speculative start-ups and the initiatives taking shape in the Silicon Valley, how does one manage such transition? By not being passive in inventions but rather active & not close one's eyes to growing opportunities; stake out profitable& sustainable new ways to grow - ACTION.
Here are my thoughts on how we can mitigate the risks of costly Inaction.
Waiting to research, understand & perceive every detail of your next decision is expensive. Some times you just have to jump in & see what happens. In 2018 I took a decision to explore a totally different industry(call) outside my training, experiences & expertise. I surely took some time to read about this industry & enrolled for classes but none of that could have prepared me for the current failures & opportunities. It's all about stepping forward & trusting God along the journey. Dozens of opportunities have appeared every month for the last 6 years showcasing the advantages of a bias towards action.
Action always assumes 2 questions. "What is the best thing that could happen?" & "What is the worst thing that could happen?" Practicing my bias towards action has often taught me that asking both questions provides a balanced value to my actions& matches it with the risk. Do not act for actions sake but rather take risk with modest payoffs.
You are prone to mess ups & blunder but action still rules. Better to error & learn than keep assuming.
It's not about perfection but rather progress. It's action over timidness. Taking that decision in 2018 presented enormous challenges to date but also offered invaluable lessons with amazing successes& significant impact not just in my life but across nations.
You have heard me say opportunities don't arrive out of the blue, NO, NO. Opportunities are attracted to our decisions to take ACTION. One author once said that: The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake.
Genesis 12:1; Then the Lord said to Abram, leave your native country, relatives, kindred & your father's family and go to the land that I will show you. Action & instruction - the opportunity for Abram was in him going NOT arguing or reasoning.
What is it that you have been putting off for years, waiting for the perfect moment? Will you take a leap of faith today and ACT?